Unapologetically Queer
Unequivocally African
Undeniably Feminist
Success Capital is a proudly African and unapologetically Feminist LGBTIQ+ Youth led, managed and serving organisation that links grassroots experiences with global and regional mechanisms.
This is achieved through strengthening and safeguarding agency in the form of voice and visibility within human rights, sustainable development and the systemic frameworks that impede LGBTIQ+ Youth from thriving in socio-economically complex environments.
Success Capital’s work is centered on three pillars: a) participatory decolonized knowledge production, b) peer to peer systemic knowledge sharing and c) supporting variant forms of civic action and participation.
We are radical, we are bold and we will not be stopped.
Storytelling on Unsafe Abortion – Listing
Background: Botswana remains a legally, socially complex environment for the ability to exercise agency in sex related matters for young people. Health inequities are aggravated by shortcomings in sex education delivery, social nuances compromising consent,...
International Transgender Day of Visibility 2021
Transpose provided an opportunity to document voices beyond gender binaries in in more rural areas in Botswana. It presented globally reflective experiences of exclusion, harmful norms, oppression, performative expectations of expression and variant forms of violence...
An Overview: HIV Criminalisation in Botswana
A knowledge series on understanding different aspects that impact or influence the most at risk groups of HIV Botswana also has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world. An estimated 350,000 of its population of 2 million are living with HIV. Several...
In partnership with Sisonke Botswana Organisation, we commemorated 01 March with few short videos . ...
Bodily Autonomy and Integrity
AIDS and Rights Alliance for southern Africa (ARASA) launched and supported a regional campaign on Bodily Autonomy and Integrity (BAI). As a part of a local consortium, Success Capital Organisation embarked on a BAI campaign in underserved areas with the aim to...
A conversation on Accountability in Botswana
A frank and engaging discussion with Cathy Malejane on Gabz FM. Insights providing nuances on developments in different sub-regions, treaty bodies and special procedures. Members of the public joined in the discussions, unfortunately, unlike when discussing LGBTIQ+,...