Success Capital has been participating in Parallel Review on Innovative Key Populations models for programming related work, facilitated by UNFPA Botswana, NAHPA and others in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
Building on this, with previous related contributions facilitated by UNAIDS around the development of the third National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS.
This is an opportune moment to review and reflect on existing work and possibilities beyond the current HIV response towards more inclusive and equitable HIV outcomes in the long term. It also establishes a foundation for contributing towards two key distinct processes; the Global Fund and UNAIDS strategy review processes. Furthermore, other strategic engagements including Botswana’s Parliament and facilitating the country’s Youth Consultation for Universal Periodic Review mid-term follow up process.
Last update: 05 August 2020
See our parallel report to Key Populations innovations in HIV programming: Parallel Review on Innovative Key Populations models for programming
Further to contributions made in writing edits and meetings on the Comprehensive Condom Programming:package/strategy, we provided the following considerations that could be of value:
1) consideration of investments for expanding research with civil society and others institutions not just on ad-hoc/commissioned/policy/needs assessment specific research, but also in programmatic and knowledge management. Investing in skills and a community of practice would safeguard sustainability and strengthen evidence based decision making beyond just CCP.
2) on the possible business case and building in the costing of programming to the dollar; investing leveraging private sector CSR to augment the CCP and allow for civil society resource mobilisation
3) integrating pilot projects on preferences/utility/use on market condom offerings, with a data component that will allow for monitoring which brands/kinds are most used and preferred across gender, key population groups of districts… This might be useful for demand creation and ‘loyalty’. It will definately allow for another CSR component as it would align with manufacturer interests.
4) All these should have ethical considerations and standards which would need time and possible universal/standard procedures. A possible additional component for consideration.
Lessons from COVID-19 that could be useful for other health responses.
A submission was written on 28 July 2020 15:00 in support of a CSO report to Botswana Parliament’s Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Local Governance and Social Welfare, with a hearing held on Friday 31 July 2020, 09:00:
1. CSOs have a challenge of funding. Middle income country status means we do not qualify for international funding and have limited ways of advancing programming.
2. There were significant shortcomings in CSO inclusion in the COVID19 response, including no resourcing, no permits and the inability to shift programming given the high need to connect and engage with vulnerable communities. CSOs should be included as technical assistance partners because they are on the ground and hold significant interests in advancing development for this country.
3. There should be better and improved ways of engaging government in a more participatory and transparent manner. Open calls for engagement and dialogue should be lead by the state, such that CSOs can lend and mobile its expertise for improved oversight and accountability
Mental Health remains underfunded, with no political will in country. More efforts are needed to channel mental well-being of all Batswana. Read on these insights on investment and policy shortcomings here.
Gender Non Conforming individuals need to be accomodated. Although programming largely focuses on MSM or other binary or sub-groups, there is a need for more inclusive language and programming. Short insights on creative more conducive work places here and can be applied in health facilities for both clients and service providers.
A Youth review on Co-Infections and Co-Morbidities in Botswana: Prevention and management of co-infections and co-morbidities.
A Youth review on Harm Reduction in Botswana: Harm Reduction in Botswana
More updates on currently on going Global Fund, UNAIDS, UHC and UNESCO’s Sex Education Assessment related contributions to follow.
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